North Shuswap Preschool

Our Preschool is operated by the NSCS and offered at the North Shuswap Elementary School. In order to attend, children should be at least 32 months old (36 months old by December 31st), and may attend for up to two years, until they are school aged. Preschool starts on the Monday after Labour Day in September, and continues until the Friday before the last week of school in June. Preschool is in session Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:00 AM until 12:00 noon. You may bring your child to the Preschool (StrongStart) room any time from 8:00 to 9:00. Our formal start for all children is 9:00. Preschool is not in session on school professional development days. These usually occur on Monday or Friday, about six times over the course of the year. We will provide written notice in advance of when these days occur. Information can also be found by searching “SD83 Calendar” online